Do you need to get the best deal on your fast food takeaway insurance, we provide instant on-line access to quotes from leading providers along with important information regarding your takeaway insurance, information that you should be aware of and consider before making your decision?
What sort of fast food takeaway insurance do I need?
For most conventional takeaway businesses, the most cost effective policy is a retailers package insurance product. This provides you with a range of covers packaged into one policy that will provide for most, if not all of your business insurance requirements. The policy is similar to other shop insurance policies but can contain certain terms and conditions that you need to be aware of.
What cover is provided under a takeaway insurance policy?
Whilst the actual details of policies vary from insurer to insurer, most retailers policies provide a similar base of cover. The policy consists of a number of different sections providing you with insurance in respect of;
- Material damage – cover for loss or damage to your physical assets in the business such as stock, business equipment and buildings where required, this can also include deterioration of frozen food stock
- Business Interruption – providing you with financial compensation as a result of loss of income following a material damage claim
- Business Money – cover in respect of the cash in your business
- Goods in Transit – insurance for your property in the course of transit
- Combined Liabilities – protecting you in respect of your legal liability for injury or damage sustained by third parties, public liability and employers liability protecting you in respect of your legal liability for injury or disease suffered by employees arising during the course of their employment
Within this package you can tailor the individual cover levels to your requirements, but often this is only neccessary for the material damage section as the standard levels of cover for the other sections are genreally set at an acceptable and adequate level for most businesses.
How much does takeaway insurance cost?
This depends on a number of key factors, the most important are;
- Where your business is located
- Your sums insured for material damage
- Whether you have had previous claims.
- The type of cooking facilities you have on the premises.
The best way to obtain a quick indication is with the use of the on-line quote facility, all our quotes are reviewed by a member of our broker team to ensure that we offer our best terms.
Deep Fat Frying
This is worthy of special mention. As pointed out earlier, a key factor in pricing takeaway insurance is the type of cooking facilities that are present in the business. A business that employs the use of a free standing deep fat frying range will pay a higher premium than one that only uses a table top basket fryer, which in turn will pay more than a business with no deep fat frying on the premises.
You should also be aware that if you do operate a free standing range then the policy will be subject to a specified level of care being taken in ensuring that the range is properly maintained and cleaned.
Sums Insured for Fast Food Takeaway Businesses.
It is very important that your sums insured in respect of plant and business equipment are adequate and represent the full replacement value of your equipment, including fitting. Many businesses change hands over time and often the contents are sold on at a fraction of the replacement value. For insurance purposes, it is the replacement value that matters not what you paid for the equipment. Failure to maintain an adequate sum insured can lead to a costly reduction in the value of any claim that may be payable.
How do I buy fast food takeaway insurance?
You can apply on-line for instant quotes or you can call our broker team directly who will be happy to assist you with any queries you have and work with you to help you obtain our best terms for your business insurance requirements.